What’s Happening In The School Budget Cycle In September?
The beginning of September can be very hectic for educators and administrators with the start of the new school year, settling into classrooms and getting to know a whole new set of students. But, as the month goes on the pressure does start to ease up a bit.
It’s during this time that schools are looking at their available budget dollars for both the current and next fiscal years. There may be some money left over from the current budget that they need to use. And, with a long purchasing cycle in many cases, they’re also looking at what they can do with the budget they have coming up. A critical eye is put towards evaluating and setting priorities, goals, parameters and programs.
Some Items for Your To-Do List:
* Ramp up your marketing and sales outreach, particularly after mid-month.
* Keep in mind – you’re always selling for two fiscal years so be sure to plan your outreach accordingly.
Click here to see what was happening in the school budget cycle last month.
You can also check out our School Budget Cycle Planning Guide which includes information for each month of the year.