4 Things You Can Do To Make Sure Your Education Product Meets Its Sales Goals
Your team has been working for months, years even, on this amazing product that offers great benefits to help educators improve how students learn. Whatever your product’s intended result, your intended result is to increase sales, right? Here’s a list of four things you can do to help make it happen, whether you’re launching a brand-new product or trying to amp up sales on an existing one.
1. Offer easy-to-access product demos and webinars. Be sure to offer your potential customers the opportunity to sit in on special product demonstrations and webinars to show them how your product will help make their job easier. If you provide a free trial, make sure it is easy to use, intuitive, and shows the product in the best light. If your product is somewhat complicated, consider offering only a selected module or segment in your free trial to make it easy for educators to understand what your product can accomplish.
2. Build a strong team and be ready to bring staff off the bench. Be prepared to handle incoming calls and inquiries, quickly! Build a team of inside sales reps, or hire help so you are poised to take calls from educators who want to use your product. Whether you’re just bringing your product to market or you’re doing another sales push on an existing one, be sure you have backup ready to help you manage any sudden influx of calls. You may want to be ready to scale up quickly and then back down after peak times conclude.
3. Take the time to follow up. Follow up with every lead you receive and everyone who attends a product demo or webinar to see if they have any questions, or determine if you can schedule a follow-up demo for other members of the school’s decision-making team. It may sound simple, but if you hear from an educator who is interested in your product, follow up! Don’t lose the lead or let it go cold. Most leads lose interest after just two weeks.
4. Offer implementation support, professional development, and training sessions. Once a school or educator has purchased your product, the next goal is to make sure they are engaged and using your program. You need a strong implementation plan to help educators migrate from a purchaser to an active product user. Continue to nurture your relationship with them. Schedule and offer professional development and training sessions your customers can use to enhance their interaction with your product.
Seem like a lot?
MMS Education can help!
We offer inside sales and customer support teams ready to to help you schedule and execute product demos and webinars, generate and qualify leads and follow up on inquiries, and schedule and track any PD you may offer your customers. Reps can be ready to go quickly, scaling up and down based on demand.
Clients choose MMS Education because of our deep understanding of the education market, backed by nearly 40 years of working with schools, systems, administrators, and agencies.
Most importantly, we embrace your mission and deliver on time and on budget, whether you’re outsourcing one specific project or need a complete turnkey operation.
Call us today at 866-382-6116 or fill out this form to see how MMS Education can help you reach, engage, and measure impact in the PreK-12 education market.